AMYPAD to be presented at #30AEC

Our project leader Gill Farrar will be presenting AMYPAD at the Alzheimer Europe Conference (#30AEC) as part of the Neuronet session entitled “Regulatory & HTA assessment: a critical step in delivering innovation for patient benefit”.

The conference will be hosted online from 20 to 22 October 2020, under the banner “Dementia in a Changing World”. Online registration is open until 19 October 2020.

The session “Regulatory and HTA assessment: a critical step in delivering innovation for patient benefit” will be held on 21 October at 14:15-15:30 CET. This P15 session includes four talks:

  • A framework for regulatory and health technology assessment engagement in neurodegenerative disease research (Diana O’RourkeNICE, United Kingdom)
  • ROADMAP: regulatory and health technology assessment considerations for new Alzheimer’s disease drugs (Jacoline BouvyNice, United Kingdom)
  • AMYPAD: Lessons and reflections from Regulatory and HTA Interactions (Gill FarrarGE Healthcare, United Kingdom)
  • The Mobilise-D consortium regulatory strategy for qualification of wearable sensors to quantify mobility in drug trials (Marco VicecontiAlma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Italy)



AMYPAD to be presented at #30AEC
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