Welcome to the 15th issue of the AMYPAD newsletter

We are writing to you with the latest news from the AMYPAD project.

Hope this message finds you well before the holiday period despite the pandemic.

I am thrilled that – COVID notwithstanding – we have managed to successfully complete the enrolment of the AMYPAD Diagnostic and Patient Management Study (DPMS), thanks to the great efforts of all of you! We are now anxiously awaiting the results of the primary endpoint, which we hope to collect early next year with results before the summer.

I personally have good memories of our general assembly meeting we had in early October. Despite the challenges of an online meeting, I think we had a good exchange of thoughts and information across the project and work packages. I hope you enjoyed the meeting like we did and felt sufficiently engaged. Our IMI project officer Elisabetta Vaudano was very positive and we value her engagement and continued support.

As you noticed, we have been working hard to collect the necessary data on scientific progress and financial information to complete the fourth year report which will was submitted earlier this week. This information will allow us to submit the request for a (no-cost) extension to make up for the delays suffered and hopefully concluded the AMYPAD Prognostic and Natural History Study (PNHS) study as much as possible.

I expect 2021 to be an exciting year for AMYPAD and especially the PNHS. Fortunately some sites are still able to include new subjects and we expect recruitment to pick up substantially next year. By then, data-integration across the parent cohorts should also be enacted, allowing pooling of all data including several historical data-points to be uncovered.

Whatever scientific rewards to New Year may bring us, I wish you all the best personally with sufficient time for your loved ones and good health.

This electronic newsletter will be published quarterly and be accessible via the AMYPAD website (www.amypad.eu). In this issue, we present you the AMYPAD General Assembly Meeting and an update on recruitment. In addition, you can also get to know two AMYPAD collaborators, Agneta Nordberg and Pieter Jelle Visser who share some of their expectations with us.


You can download the newsletter here.

Frederik Barkhof

AMYPAD coordinator


Welcome to the 15th issue of the AMYPAD newsletter
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