Welcome to the 25th issue of the AMYPAD Newsletter

Dear friends and colleagues,

We are excited to see that AMYPAD remains active well after the end of the IMI funding period and marks its presence around the world with several new publications (more in the pipeline) and presentations at conferences.

Particularly impressive is the work led by Gill Farrar and her team leading to the recent endorsement of amyloid-PET quantification as a biomarker by the EMA. This exceptional step shows the real-world impact of IMI-funded projects based on our scientific endeavours and meticulous work of the technical work package led by Juan-Domingo Gispert and the clinical work packages.

All these efforts are possible due to the hard work of all of you to mine the wealth of data generated in the AMYPAD Diagnostic and Patient Management Study (DPMS) and Prognostic and Natural History Study (PNHS) and the knowledge generated within our tightly-nit network of collaborators and friends. We are grateful to ADDI for supporting ongoing work to expand and extend the PNHS data sets and you will be able to read more about these activities in this newsletter.
Meanwhile we are trying to secure more funds to support our ambitions through new grant applications which include new partners around Europe to reflect the move towards a wider Euro-PAD community and registry and we are very much look forward to seeing many of you at our upcoming symposium on May 16-17 in Amsterdam, with kind support by GE HealthCare and Life Molecular Imaging.

Finally, we would like to extend our warmest congratulations to Ariane Bollack, Luigi Lorenzini and Mahnaz Shekari in successfully defending their PhD theses. We are proud of their hard work and contributions, demonstrating their commitment and passion as young researchers. We wish them all the best in their future endeavors!

You can download the newsletter here.

Frederik Barkhof
AMYPAD Coordinator

Welcome to the 25th issue of the AMYPAD Newsletter
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