The Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) is the primary international organization dedicated to neuroimaging. Each year, approximately 3,000 attendees gather to attend top-notch educational programs, share the latest research and network. The OHBM annual meeting is the premier event for professionals to stay up to date with industry changes and new technologies.
We were pleased that several AMYPAD members traveled to Montréal (Canada) from 22-26 July 2023 to attend this year’s event.
Lyduine Collij presented a poster entitled “Regional amyloid PET burden is differentially associated with Polygenic Risk Score pathways”. The aim of the presented work was to investigate the relationship between gloval and regional aymloid burden and Alzheimer’s disease Polygenic Risk Scores (AD-PRS). 450 participants from both EPAD and AMYPAD studies were included. Results illustrated that genetic predisposition beyond APOE is associated with global and early amyloid-accumulating regions, particularly the parietal cortex.
For more information on the conference please visit the OHBM website here.
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