AMYPAD presents at the IMI event "Impact on Dementia"

On 15 June, the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) organised an online event on IMI’s Impact on Dementia. This event was part of a series of live sessions that IMI organised on IMI impacts, where key actors explored the challenges in their respective fields and demonstrated how IMI contributed. During these sessions, patient’s testimonies were also shared as they are the ultimate beneficiaries of IMI’s funded research.

During the event chaired by Elisabetta Vaudano (IMI), Luc Truyen (Janssen) set the scene by highlighting the vision and the value of the dialogue and relationships created through IMI. Then, Helen Rochford-Brennan (Alzheimer Europe European Working Group of People with Dementia) explained how she got involved in research as a person living with dementia and underlined the importance of  Public Involvement and the collaboration between people with dementia and IMI research projects. Next, three IMI projects shared their outcomes and how IMI have addressed the various challenges. This session included presentations from:

  • Neuronet by Carlos Diaz (SYNAPSE Research Management Partners)
  • EBISC2 by Rachel Steeg (Fraunhofer UK Research Ltd)
  • AMYPAD by Gill Farrar (GE Healthcare Medical Affairs)

During the AMYPAD presentation, our Project Leader Gill Farrar gave an overview of the project, highlighted the collaboration between partners, study sites and various cohorts part of the study. She also shared early results and underlined the interaction with the European Medicines Agency. (EMA).

If you missed the impact on dementia event, you can access all the presentations and the recordings on the IMI website here. You can also download the AMYPAD presentation here and watch the recording below.

To find out more about the online session, please visit the IMI website or read the summary of the event here.


“We now have deep knowledge of how to measure presence of amyloid. What we have now is the power of generating data with much bigger numbers. We are asking the relevant questions.”, said Gill Farrar. 


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AMYPAD presents at the IMI event
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