Interview with Laure Saint-Aubert

What is your current role on AMYPAD?

I joined the AMYPAD consortium in August 2017 as Project Manager of the French site of Toulouse. As such, I am in charge of assisting our Site coordinator Pr Pierre Payoux in management and monitoring of the two trials, from work package (WP) 3 (diagnostic and patient management study – DPMS) and WP4 (Prognostic and Natural History Study – PNHS). My background in PET imaging analyses in the context of clinical research also allows me to take active part to the discussions from WP2, which focuses on the technical and logistics aspects of the PET acquisitions and analyses, and from WP5 which addresses more advanced quantitative approaches to model disease progression.

What is your overall vision?

AMYPAD will bring new knowledge on the natural history of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and improve the management of people at the earliest stages of AD, or at risk to develop the disease. It will also serve as a springboard for future prevention trials. I believe AMYPAD will greatly benefit the field of AD clinical research.

What do you find most challenging about the project?

It is the first European Project I am involved in, and my first experience as project manager; I realize how challenging it can become to well coordinate all the aspects of such an ambitious project, which includes so many parties. But I also see this as a great opportunity to have many prestigious centers from all over Europe to work hand-in-hand with the same goal, that is, in fine, to make a difference on how patients are diagnosed and taken care of in clinical research as well as in clinical routine in the near future. I feel lucky and I am very grateful to be part of such an exciting adventure.

Interview with Laure Saint-Aubert
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