Welcome to the 26th issue of the AMYPAD Newsletter

Dear friends and colleagues,

Hope this message finds you well in 2025 and you have been able to share time with your loved ones over the holiday period

Looking back at 2024, it is rewarding to see that AMYPAD continues to make significant strides even beyond the end of the IMI funding period. Our ongoing efforts have enabled us to present our work at international conferences and publish new findings.

Last year has been particularly fruitful for our Prognostic and Natural History Study (PNHS). Several key activities have taken place to further improve and expand our dataset, thanks in part to the support from the Alzheimer’s Disease Data Initiative. While the PNHS study has been traditionally centred on amyloid PET, the growing interest in other biomarkers has led to the evolution into the Euro-PAD community, a new initiative that brings together a broader group of researchers with an even wider scope. We are excited to announce that the next Euro-PAD scientific symposium will be held in June 2025 in Barcelona, and we look forward to seeing many of you there.

Another key highlight this year was the endorsement of amyloid-PET quantification as a biomarker by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). This marks a significant milestone in the clinical application of amyloid PET imaging. Moreover, we are pleased to share that our perspective review on the interpretability and clinical application of the Centiloid scale has recently been published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association. This publication proposes context-of use recommendations regarding the clinical use of Centiloid scale and aims to prepare the European field for the arrival of disease-modifying therapies.

Finally, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to Lyduine Collij for receiving the Alzheimer Nederland Research Award. This prestigious recognition celebrates her outstanding scientific achievements and the societal impact of her research in Alzheimer’s disease.

We look forward to continuing our collaborative efforts in 2025.

Warm regards,

You can download the newsletter here.

Frederik Barkhof
AMYPAD Coordinator

Welcome to the 26th issue of the AMYPAD Newsletter
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